Hello Everyone! Harsh Here ! Today I am going to discuss about an uncommon topic “YouTube Addiction” this may sound weird​ but trust me even I am addicted to YouTube And I am sure you must be also addicted to it. YouTube Addiction isn’t bad and it won’t harm our health too but This addiction do waste a lot of time,causes problems in relationship and also this is the major cause of distraction. In another way YouTube isn’t bad because it makes us a lazy person. Becoming addicted to YouTube is no joke. At first, you’re watching a few random videos here and there, and after some time, you realize that you can’t think of anything but getting to your computer and all the interesting stuff you could be watching. YouTube overuse can turn into a serious behavioral addiction, and begin to affect your life in negative ways. So, how to deal with it ? Redirect your need for gratification. Addiction happens when you start to need a particular stimulant to feel good or fulfilled.Explore other, more positive and healthy alternatives to achieve the gratification you seek. Find a different hobby. Finding something else to do that will take your mind off all those oh-so-watchable videos is ideal.

  • Arts and crafts. You’ll find that making stuff, even if it’s just silly paper mache sculptures or origami, will not only help relieve your need for endless video gratification, but will make you feel much more fulfilled.
  • Painting or drawing. Creating is positive; watching endless videos is not. You can gain a sense of real fulfillment by engaging in creative arts, while simultaneously removing yourself from the situation (i.e. having nothing better to do, or even having a void in your life) that is causing your video addiction.

Play a sport. Getting outside and getting physical is one of the best alternatives to engaging in an unhealthy, addictive behavior. Not only will your physical health improve, but getting involved in a team sport is beneficial for your social, mental, and emotional well-being. 

  • If you don’t have friends interested in playing, you can always just show up at a local park with a basketball and shoot some hoops.
  • Find a local intramural league for your sport of choice.

Locate a local establishment for some shuffleboard, chess, checkers, or even “cornhole” if you’re not into the more physical sports. Establish internet-free zones. When you’re addicted to a something on the web, such as YouTube, it’s a good idea to implement areas in your daily life that are completely free from the internet, or even better, all tech. 

    • Leave the phone or tablet at home when you’re going out for a hike or a walk around the lake. Even though we think we’re doing something solely outdoors or generally active, there are usually still opportunities, even, say, camping, for logging on for some of those addictive videos.

When you go to lunch at work, take a magazine or book to the cafe instead of your tablet; even if you’re planning to read a book on that Kindle Fire, it’s way too easy to start browsing the videos as well. So, these ways may help to come out from this addiction and will help you to start a New life …………. THANK YOU

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Disclaimer: I own no responsibility over the images used. They’re all sourced from google. I would also like to clarify that all the information and data used are from verified sources. In case of confusion, criticism is always welcome.